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Bikepacking GR 50 day 3 God dame, it's beautiful

The briefing announced some kind of rest day on day 3. 46km and a barely 1700 vertical meters didn't seem like a full day's work to us. The morning brought us cruising on nice single tracks through the high plains of the plateau d'Emparis with the most beautiful views of the Meije (just under 4000m), and a very nice descent to La Grave with of course the obligatory stop at the boulangerie.

Then we climbed off road to the col du Lauteret. This climb, which on the elevation profile seemed rather false flat, took us for the first time by the throat. But what an excellent wealth of wild flowers and a beautiful scenery (even though that the very busy road to the col was never far away). God dame, it's beautiful here!

Once at the col du Lauteret, you want to get out of there as soon as possible. The reward of the hard work was sweet. A flowy descent brought us to the foot of the next climb. We had to gain height to get to the "chemin deu Roi", a path at height that I fervently hoped would be the ultimate single track. The short, steep pentes to the start of the trail was a mental test. All hands on deck!

Sure enough, the early prayers were answered. The next few kilometres were to lick thumbs and fingers. What a great day! We were even able to take a bath along the way at the fashionable spa resort, "Les Vaches".

Ending the day without ‘poussage’ was wishful thinking. At just after 4pm, we reached our end point, the refuge de Buffère, located at the top of the Clarée valley. What happened there is not open to publication. 47 km and 1960 hm. full report

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